From Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Heptaplus id est de Dei creatoris opere (1489)
See now how what we have said agrees with what follows, that man was made by God in His own image to have dominion over the fish, the birds, and the beasts, which first the waters and then the land had produced. We have already been discussing man above, but now for the first time we perceive in him the image of God, through which he has power and command over the animals. Man was so constituted by nature that his reason might dominate his senses and that by its law all the madness and craving of anger and lust might be curbed. If the image of God has been blotted out by the stain of sin, we begin to serve the beasts in us, wretchedly and unhappily, and to live among them like the Chaldean king, sinking to the ground, eager for earthly things, forgetting our Fatherland, our Father, His kingdom, and the original dignity given to us as our prerogative. Truly, when man was in a state of honor he did not realize it, but ranked himself with the stupid beasts of burden and became like them.